Campervan trip

Why are we here?

One month ago (31 May) I made a call and sent an email to resign. It is a decision that in many ways I did not want to make: working in schools is a wonderful career; leading colleagues and shaping what is provided for a large number of people is hugely rewarding; seeing the opportunities taken by so many, linking with countless communities and organisations; performing well, being highly regarded. However, life is not a rehearsal and you have to make decisions that sometimes hurt. I’m happier now, knowing I can reject certain things, and having my wife say I’m happier, well that means so much more.

Newbury Hall from the other side.

Many have asked where I am going, where I am moving to. When I explain I haven’t another job yet, they are understandably puzzled and ask a short but powerful question – Why?

I fully intend to be back in a school in September. I don’t need a break nor am I leaving a school that is struggling. On the contrary I am leaving a school with fantastic children, brilliant parents and a superb staff. The relationships are great and it is in a wonderful place, geographically, educationally and spiritually. neither am I leaving the area – the family is in Leicester and family are important.

Start of the walk.

So I’m here in the camper-van, enjoying the great outdoors with Kate and Dan. This for me is why we are here. To enjoy life and be happy. Yesterday, despite the light shower of rain in the morning, we set off on a walk that turned out to be 10km. Not the greatest distance but a decent distance. In the grind of daily life too many people forget that there is a big world out there and close by, some beautiful places. Memories of our short time on this earth are made on such days – the walk through a herd of cows; the rerouting due to an upturned bridge and Dan learning how to blow a blade of grass.

My advice to anyone out there in a particular position, in a particular place that is causing you to be unhappy – move, you are not a tree. Be happy and live your life. Find a place where you can work your magic and have the positive impact you are able to.

Yesterday my wife commented that I am happier. That means so much and I intend to remain so.

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